Fungai Benhura

RA Collection: People and Organisations

“My work is made up of multiple layers of different materials with each one being significant as it is representing a history that’s being rediscovered. This is like constructing a building only to destroy it to reveal the various materials that have been used to erect it. In the case of my work, the end product is surprisingly much more visually attractive. My choice of materials tends to be indiscriminate thereby making the experience to the build-up to the painting process an exciting one. I usually gather whatever materials that are available including cut outs of posters, paper, tissue paper, Indian ink, oil pastels, metal panels, beer cans, coffee sacks or anything else I can utilise. Many materials I use are not my own choice but a creative challenge.” [Fungai Benhura].


Current RA Schools student

Nationality: Zimbabwean

RA Schools student from 2021 to 2024

Gender: Male