In the Age of Giorgione: podcast round-up

Published 9 May 2016

From a discussion on the issues of attribution to a debate on portrayals of age and beauty, catch up on all our discussions surrounding the exhibition, In the Age of Giorgione.

  • Our exhibition looks at the first decades of the 16th century in Venetian painting. Giovanni Bellini was still the leading artist in Venice – but a younger generation was starting to emerge, and its stars, Giorgione and Titian, would change the course of Renaissance painting.

    The first of our podcasts is an introduction from our curator on the era and the enigma that is Giorgione – an artist who, despite his renown, we know relatively little about. Meanwhile, Professor David Ekserdjian examines the problems around attributing Giorgione’s oeuvre – a debate we’ve also invited our readers to join in online –and a panel discuss the depiction of ageing in art.

    Catch up on all these in your own time, and let us know what you think.

  • An introduction to Giorgione

    Curator Per Rumberg gives an introduction to the age of Giorgione, tracing the birth of the Golden Age of Venetian painting.

  • Problems of attribution

    Despite the brevity of his career, Giorgione is considered one of the finest painters of the Renaissance, yet it is difficult to establish exactly what he painted. Professor David Ekserdjian examines the problems around attributing Giorgione’s oeuvre, and explores the extent to which any attempt to reconstruct the outlines of Giorgione’s career is hampered by the lack of documentary information about the artist.

  • Portrayals of age and beauty

    That fair face will as years roll on lose its beauty, and old age will bring its wrinkle to the brow” – Ovid

    Beauty is habitually associated with youth, especially for women, and artistic portrayals of age and ageing have long been a contentious issue in our society. Giorgione’s La Vecchia is a rare example of a realistic portrayal of an elderly woman in the early 16th century, a period in which portraits of young, idealised “beauties” were more often celebrated. Our panel explores the depiction of ageing in art in conjunction with wider societal considerations of age and beauty.

    Speakers include feminist academic Professor Lynne Segal, fashion and art historian Aileen Ribeiro and writer Sarah Dunant.

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