London in black and white
London in black and white
By Ann Gilmore
Published 24 July 2014
Inspired by ‘Dennis Hopper: The Lost Album’, a crowd of teenagers from the RA’s youth programme attRAct took to the streets of Soho to document the city.
Led by professional photographer Roy Matthews, the group learned to work quickly and photograph people unnoticed, and experiment with shadow, line and tone. This was a great experience for the students to develop ideas for A-level coursework, and see their city in an entirely new light. Here is a selection of their photos from the day.
attRAct (‘art through the RA careers and creative training’) is a Learning Department programme that offers London based A-level students from selected schools the chance to participate in creative workshops, exhibition tours, studio visits, mentoring in the RA Schools and careers and portfolio advice.
The streets of Soho
A moment in the sun
Wilder Walk
The Blue Posts
A flower stall
Crossing the road
Summer sun
This was a fantastic chance for me to experiment with an alternative style of photography. I rarely go out and shoot randomly, and this workshop gave me the chance to be completely free in my subject matter.
A-level student Warren Reilly, Queens Park Community School
Ann Gilmore is Secondary Programme Co-ordinator in the Learning department at the RA.