William Hogarth, Mask and Palette, 1745.
111 mm x 120 mm. © Photo: Royal Academy of Arts, London. Photographer: Prudence Cuming Associates Limited.
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William Hogarth (1697 - 1764)
RA Collection: Art
Subscription ticket for Hogarth's engraving Garrick in the Character of Richard the Third. The mask-and-palette design clearly relate to the practice of painting a theatrical portrait.
Hogarth has applied his palette-and-brushes seal and filled in the name of the subscriber (Mr Chadwick), noted the price of the print (7s 6d) and the fact it is 'not paid', and signed his name. The inscriptions closely resemble those on the impression of the print (in the British Museum) reproduced in Paulson.
A subscription ticket made out to David Garrick himself (for another print by Hogarth) is also in the RA collection (17/3712).
111 mm x 120 mm
Hogarth's prints. Vol. I. - [s.l.]: [n.d.]