Podcast: Howard Jacobson’s Annual Dinner speech
Podcast: Howard Jacobson’s Annual Dinner speech
Summer Exhibition 2015
By RA Podcast Team
Published 22 June 2015
Man Booker Prize-winning author Howard Jacobson on the “urgent necessity of play” at the Royal Academy’s Annual Dinner 2015.
The Royal Academy’s Annual Dinner takes place in the galleries of the Summer Exhibition during its opening week, and features a speech by a leading public figure – past speakers have included Charles Dickens, Winston Churchill and more recently Stephen Fry and Jeanette Winterson. This year’s Annual Dinner speech was given by the novelist Howard Jacobson.
In a talk of wit and provocation, Jacobson compares the modern-day critic with the figure of the traditional country clergyman. He makes a plea for art, for the “urgent necessity of play” as he calls it, and the persistent struggle against the “penury of existence”.