William Hogarth, The Committee.
242 mm x 340 mm. © Photo: Royal Academy of Arts, London.
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William Hogarth (1697 - 1764)
RA Collection: Art
242 mm x 340 mm
[Prints of Hogarth's works.] - [S.l.]:: [after 1772.]
William Hogarth
Frontispiece to Hudibras by Samuel Butler, 1725-35
William Hogarth
Hudibras Sallying Forth
William Hogarth
Hudibras' First Adventure
William Hogarth
Hudibras Triumphant, 1725/6
William Hogarth
Hudibras Vanquished by Trulla
William Hogarth
Hudibras in Tribulation, 1725/6
William Hogarth
Hudibras and the Skimmington, 1725/6
William Hogarth
Hudibras and Sidrophel, 1725/6
William Hogarth
Hudibras and Sidrophel, 1725/6
William Hogarth
Hudibras and the Lawyer, 1725/6