Video: Apocalyptic printmaking and extreme environments with Emma Stibbon RA

Published 22 February 2023

Watch Emma Stibbon describes the unforgiving conditions and dramatic landscapes that inspired her display in the Collection Gallery.

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    "I think a lot of landscapes I'm drawn to have that sense of forces of nature"

    Collapsed Whaling Station, Deception Island, Antarctica is Stibbon’s ‘diploma work’, given to the Royal Academy by the artist upon becoming a Royal Academician.

    While on an expedition in Antarctica, Stibbon was drawn to the wrecked scene of Biscoe House, a former whaling station built within a collapsed volcano.

    • Emma Stibbon RA, Lead

      Visit 'Collapsed Whaling Station Deception Island, Antarctica: a work in focus'

      until 11 Jun 2023

      Alongside her largescale woodcut there are a selection of prints, drawings and photographs that explore these themes and highlight how ruination, extreme conditions and the fragility of place have long been a source of inspiration for artists.

      Take a trip to our Collection Gallery and have a look.