Video: meet insomniac artist Léon Spilliaert

Published 11 February 2020

Belgian artist Léon Spilliaert was an insomniac. He wandered the streets of Brussels at night in search of inspiration. In this video, delve into the solitude and mystery that encompasses the artist’s evocative paintings.

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    Spilliaert's reflections by moonlight

    Léon Spilliaert (1881–1946) was born in the coastal town of Ostend. He moved to Brussels at the age of 20, and would live and work between the two cities for the rest of his life. Self-taught, he forged his own artistic identity, which was shaped by the affinity he felt with writers and thinkers such as Edgar Allan Poe and Friedrich Nietzsche.

    • Léon Spilliaert, The Gust of Wind (detail)

      Léon Spilliaert

      23 February — 25 May 2020.

      From his celebrated self-portraits to dreamlike scenes of the North Sea coast, this exhibition will introduce UK audiences to the visionary work of artist Léon Spilliaert.